Office of Justice Programs Grant Numbers 2002-VCGX-0017, 2003-VCGX-0013, 2004-VCGX-0023, 2005-VCGX-0019 and 2006-VCGX-0043 Administered by the Illinois Court of Claims Springfield, Illinois

Audit Report GR-50-08-001
December 2007
Office of the Inspector General

Executive Summary

The Office of the Inspector General, Audit Division, has completed an audit of the Victims of Crime Act grants awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), to the Illinois Court of Claims (Court), located in Springfield, Illinois. Between October 1, 2002, and April 30, 2006, the Illinois Court of Claims was awarded five grants, totaling $41,354,000. The main purpose of the grants was to help reduce the financial burden imposed on victims of violent crime and their families through payment for items such as medical and hospital related expenses, counseling, funeral and burial expenses, or loss of income related to the crime.

We tested the Court’s compliance with essential grant conditions, including grant drawdowns, grant expenditures, reporting, and accomplishment of grant objectives. We found that the grantee appeared to be meeting grant objectives and that the claim payments were properly authorized and fully supported.1 However, our audit revealed improper grant drawdowns, instances of unallowable and unsupported expenses in grants 2002-VCGX-0017 and 2003-VCGX-0013, as well as record-keeping and reporting deficiencies in all of the awards reviewed. As a result, we identified $450,792 in dollar-related findings from the fiscal year (FY) 2002 and FY 2003 awards.2

Our report contains nine recommendations to address the preceding issues, which are discussed in detail in the Findings and Recommendations section of the report. Our audit objectives, scope, and methodology appear in Appendix I.


  1. Additional information related to our audit objectives, scope, and methodology appears in Appendix I.

  2. The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, contains our reporting requirements for questioned costs and funds to better use. However, not all findings are dollar-related. See Appendix II for a breakdown of our dollar-related findings and for definitions of questioned costs and funds to better use.

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