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Juvenile Repatriation Practices at Border
Patrol Sectors on the Southwest Border

Report Number I-2001-010
September 2001


Our recommendations are divided into two sections. The first section contains recommendations to address findings at the El Centro Border Patrol Sector. The second section contains recommendations to address more systemic issues. We recommend that the Immigration and Naturalization Service:

Section 1: El Centro Border Patrol Sector

  1. Work with the Mexican Consulate to promptly repatriate juveniles.

  2. Develop detention options for juveniles who cannot be repatriated within 24 hours.

  3. Update and consolidate all Sector juvenile repatriation policies into a single document. Ensure that the coordinated policy complies with all formal agreements with the Mexican Consulate.

  4. Establish procedures to ensure proper completion of unaccompanied Mexican juvenile repatriation records, including the time of day that the juvenile is repatriated.

  5. Require the stations and sector to document and report all repatriation issues to the Western Region.

Section 2: Systemic Issues

  1. Develop detention options for juveniles that cannot be repatriated within 24 hours at all Border Patrol Sectors across the Southwest Border.

  2. Provide guidance to the Border Patrol regarding the detention and repatriation of unaccompanied Mexican juveniles. This guidance should indicate when notification of the Juvenile Affairs Division is required.