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The Federal Bureau of Prisons'
Control Over Weapons and Laptop Computers

Report No. 02-30
August 2002
Office of the Inspector General



The BOP response to the audit (APPENDIX X) included actions that the BOP intends to take to close the audit recommendations.  Below is our analysis of the response received and the actions considered necessary to close the report.  Included in our analysis are clarifications of the BOP’s written response to recommendations 9, 12, and 13 obtained from the BOP during teleconferences held on July 11, 15, and 16, 2002. 

  1. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review a copy of the approved revision to the BOP policies and procedures for maintaining an accurate count of lost and stolen weapons and laptop computers.
  2. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review a copy of the approved revisions to the BOP policies and procedures that address all items in the recommendation regarding reporting missing weapons and laptop computers through the BOP chain of command.
  3. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide notification to us that the BOP recovered the laptop computer or received reimbursement for its value as determined by the BOP Property Management.
  4. Closed.
  5. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review a copy of the approved revisions to the BOP policies and procedures.  In accordance with the corrective action, also provide documentation to demonstrate that the BOP provided the revisions to all Property Officers and that the BOP reminded all employees of their responsibilities for reporting lost, missing, or stolen property.
  6. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide us with a list of weapons that the BOP identified as excess and disposed of, and a copy of the approved revisions to the BOP policies and procedures covering disposal of weapons that are no longer authorized and considered excess.
  7. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide documentation that the BOP provided FLETC with a copy of AITS.
  8. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, advise us when the BOP has completed the transition of the SPMS field size for serial numbers to a minimum of 15 alpha/numeric characters.
  9. Resolved.  The BOP’s written audit response (APPENDIX X) addressed reconciling FMIS II financial information with SPMS property entries for weapons only.  In subsequent teleconferences with the BOP on July 11, 15, and 16, 2002, the BOP agreed to perform the reconciliation for weapons and laptop computers.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review the procedures that the BOP will use to perform the reconciliations.
  10. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review a copy of the approved revisions to the BOP Acquisition Policy in accordance with the November 30, 2001, memorandum issued by the Assistant Director for Administration (APPENDIX X, Attachment B).
  11. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide us with notification from the Northeast Regional Office acknowledging its awareness of the requirement that all weapons and laptop computers are to be delivered directly to the property officer.  The acknowledgement should include notification that the Northeast Regional Office has revised their policies and procedures to comply with this requirement.
  12. Resolved.  In a teleconference with the BOP on July 11, 2002, the BOP clarified their written audit response and stated that “post orders” will be the method for instructing personnel stationed at gates of correctional facilities in delivery procedures.  In addition, the BOP indicated that the Program Statement revision would only address laptop computers since policies and procedures for the delivery of weapons, ammunition, chemical agents, and less-than-lethal munitions already exist in Program Statement 5500.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review: (i) a copy of the approved revisions to the BOP Program Statement 5500, Correctional Services Manual; and (ii) documentation that the resultant procedures for delivery of laptop computers, weapons, ammunition, chemical agents, and less-than-lethal munitions are included in the appropriate post orders.
  13. Resolved.  Same as Recommendation 12.
  14. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review a copy of the approved revisions to the BOP policies and procedures as specified in the BOP audit response (APPENDIX X).
  15. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review a copy of the approved revisions to Program Statement 1237.11 identified in the BOP audit response (APPENDIX X).
  16. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide us with documentation that the Human Resource Management Division has notified all personnel offices that separating employees must obtain the signature of their APO on the exit check lists signifying the employee has surrendered all accountable property to the APO.
  17. Resolved.  In order to close this recommendation, provide for our review a copy of the approved revisions to the BOP policies and procedures per the BOP audit response (APPENDIX X).