Good O' Boy Roundup Report - March, 1996

8. Collection of physical evidence

In addition to interviewing witnesses, we collected a substantial amount of physical evidence, including official invitations to the Roundup; photographs of the complete series of official Roundup T-shirts; photographs of official Roundup caps; the "Buckwheat" T-shirt; the "O.J." T-shirt; two different "Boyz on the Hood" T-shirts; photographs taken at various Roundups by official and unofficial attendees; videotapes of activities at various Roundups; copies of extensive media coverage of

the Roundup and the allegations that had been raised; and photographs of the campground where the Roundup took place. [ / For a complete list of the physical evidence we collected see the appendix to this report, Section C, at 1. ]

These investigative steps led to the findings presented in Section IV. Before describing the results of our investigation and our conclusions, an overview of the Roundup is necessary to place the allegations and findings in their proper context.