Good O' Boy Roundup Report - March, 1996

B. The OIG Investigation

The purpose of the OIG investigation was to determine if DOJ employees had attended the Roundup and whether they had engaged in improper conduct while there. [ / The Department of Treasury Office of Inspector General (Treasury OIG) conducted a parallel investigation into the conduct of its employees. While the focus of the two investigations was the conduct of the two departments' respective employees, these investigations necessarily looked at some of the same allegations and evidence. ] Such determinations could not take place in a vacuum; an important factor in assessing the attendance of DOJ personnel was the determination of whether racism was a general characteristic of the Roundup. Even if racism was not found to be generally pervasive, it also was important to establish to what extent racist acts did occur and whether they were tolerated or condoned by the Roundup's organizers and attendees. The same held true for the allegations of criminal activity and other unseemly or offensive behavior. To answer these broader questions, the investigation looked at all aspects of the Roundup over its sixteen-year history.