Good O' Boy Roundup Report - March, 1996

b) Official noncompetitive events

OIG reviewed many photographs of participants involved in Roundup activities, either at the campground or on the river. Other than the Hayward video showing a "nigger check point" sign, and a photograph of a group of people, including Richard Hayward, standing behind a Confederate flag, we obtained no pictures of racist behavior occurring at the campground. We did, however, receive a number of photographs of individuals engaged in puerile behavior such as holding foam rubber phalluses up in front of another person, a group of Canadians dressed in long underwear with red maple leafs painted in the groin area or the buttocks and wearing "coneheads" on their heads, and another group, again identified as Canadians, dressed only in black ties, cummerbunds, and jock straps. [ / We are told that these "costumes" were part of the 1995 chili cookoff and this group won the prize for best presentation. The individual who provided the photographs claimed that the persons shown are Secret Service agents. A number of other witnesses, however, indicated that it was the Canadians who had participated in the chili cookoff in this manner. We also showed the photographs to a number of persons who might have been able to identify any Secret Service agents but none were identified as such. ] Thus, we discovered significant photographic evidence of potentially embarrassing, non-racist activities, but virtually no such evidence of racist activities.

A review of all of the official T-shirts demonstrates that none of them contained any racist content. The invitations, save possibly for the name of the event, were also racially neutral. We obtained a poster describing the Roundup in purely race-neutral terms. [ / A copy of this poster is contained in the appendix attached to this report, Section C,
at 43. ] We found no official Roundup item that contained racially insensitive or offensive material.

Typical Klan-type rallies emphasize speeches intended to rally members to the cause. The focus of the Roundup, on the other hand, was on non-racist activities such as whitewater rafting, golfing, sporting competitions, and beer drinking. The skits had no overarching theme except to be humorous -- although they often failed in that regard. There were no speeches in support of racist views. In some cases when racist activities occurred, they were condemned.