Good O' Boy Roundup Report - March, 1996

a) Official positions

In the early 1980s, the Roundup had no official organizational structure. Except for the cooking, Rightmyer organized and directed the entire event. There were no officers and no hierarchy except Rightmyer. During these early years we received no allegations of blatantly racist activity.

In 1986, the positions of president and vice-president of the Roundup were created. Around 1989, Rightmyer created the MOB and the REX. Because attendance at the Roundup remained primarily white and primarily male, the MOBs mirrored those demographics with a few exceptions (one Filipino, one Native American, and two women). [/ Although Rightmyer excluded women from several Roundups beginning in 1981, we were told by a number of witnesses that in subsequent years Rightmyer changed his mind; believing that women in law enforcement should be allowed to attend because the event was intended for everyone in law enforcement. There were others who did not want women to be invited because they felt that there might be suspicions that illicit activities would occur if women were present. We were told that on one occasion a person ran for president of the Roundup on the platform that women would not be permitted to attend. Rightmyer told the group they could vote any way they wanted, but it was his party, and he had the mailing list, so he was going to have an event where female officers could attend. If they wanted to start their own male only event, he told them they were welcome to it. The individual running on the no-women platform was defeated. ] The REX, made up of attendees from the first Roundup, winners of the Redneck of the Year contest, and past presidents of the Roundup, consisted solely of white males.