Good O' Boy Roundup Report - March, 1996

2. Racist signs

In addition to these allegations of generally discriminatory conduct, reports surfaced of specific racist incidents, such as the posting of racist signs in the campground at the Roundup. The July 11 Washington Times article reported that "gone" from past Roundups were "many of the crude signs that once greeted arriving officers, like this one: 'Nigger check point.'" Hayward, in an affidavit submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee, alleged that there were signs posted at the registration desk in 1989 saying: "No niggers allowed" and "Nigger deposit point." [ / This affidavit was submitted to the Committee by Hayward's attorney at the time. Hayward requested anonymity and remained anonymous to the general public until an August 27, 1995, article in The New York Times revealed him to be the creator of the 1990 videotape and the principal source for the allegations of racism at the Roundup. A copy of this affidavit is contained in the appendix to this report, Section C, at 15. ] He also claimed that he took video footage of racist signs at the 1990 Roundup which said, "Niggers .17/pound," "Nigger Check In Point," and "a poster of a black person with an axe through his head." The Hayward videotape of the 1990 Roundup, which aired on WJLA-TV on July 11, showed a sign stating "Nigger check point" and "17¢ lb." and asking, "Any niggers in that car?" In his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Drug Enforcement Administration

(DEA) Administrator Thomas Constantine reported that a preliminary inquiry by his agency had revealed the presence of a racist "checkpoint" sign at the 1992 Roundup.