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Semiannual Report to Congress

April 1, 2001 – September 30, 2001
Office of the Inspector General


Briefings and Training

OIG personnel regularly offer their expertise to Department components and to the governmental community and serve as instructors for various training activities. For example, during this reporting period:

Task Forces, Working Groups, and Committees

In addition to the work it conducts within the Department, the OIG participates in cooperative endeavors with other entities. Noteworthy activities during this reporting period are described below.

Legislation and Regulations

The IG Act directs the OIG to review proposed legislation and regulations relating to the programs and operations of the Department. Although the Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs reviews all proposed or enacted legislation that could affect the Department’s activities, the OIG independently reviews proposed legislation that affects it or legislation that relates to waste, fraud, or abuse in the Department’s programs or operations. During this reporting period, the OIG reviewed several dozen pieces of legislation, including (1) House and Senate bills to reauthorize the Department (the Senate bill contains a provision that would codify the Attorney General’s recent expansion of the OIG’s investigative jurisdiction over the FBI and DEA), (2) legislation responding to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States, (3) the Department of Defense reauthorization bill regarding OIG audits of Superfund expenditures, and (4) an amendment to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act that would add OIG audits, inspections, and investigative reports to the list of exclusions from the definition of “grievance” for purposes of action under the Foreign Service Grievance Board.

Congressional Testimony

IG Fine testified before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on June 20, 2001, about the OIG’s oversight work in the FBI. He discussed the OIG’s jurisdiction to investigate allegations of misconduct in the FBI (at the time of the hearing, the Attorney General had not yet expanded the OIG’s jurisdiction in this area). He also highlighted the results of significant OIG reviews of FBI matters, including our review of allegations into improper practices in the FBI Laboratory, the handling of sensýtive intelligence information related to the Campaign Finance investigation, and our review of the FBI’s performance in uncovering the espionage activities of former Central Intelligence Agency employee Aldrich Ames. IG Fine also discussed the OIG’s ongoing reviews of the Hanssen spy matter and the belated production of documents in the Oklahoma City bombing case.

During this reporting period, the OIG responded to numerous congressional requests for information, including a request from the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs for an assessment of the Department’s top ten performance measures.

President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency Activities

The PCIE consists of the 28 Presidentially appointed IGs in the federal government. OIG staff participate in a variety of PCIE activities and serve on numerous PCIE committees and subgroups. During this reporting period, the OIG coordinated the development and publication of the PCIE and ECIE (Executive Council on Integrity and Efficiency) community’s A Progress Report to the President for FY 2000. The 75-page report highlights the significant accomplishments of federal IGs during FY 2000.

Audit staff continued to serve as the OIG’s representative to the PCIE OIG GPRA (Government Performance and Results Act) Coordinators’ Interest Group, a committee that addresses consistency issues when OIGs deal with Congress, the OMB, and GAO on GPRA issues.