Department of Justice Drug Demand Reduction Activities

Report No. 03-12
February 2003
Office of the Inspector General




In planning and performing our audit of the DOJ's drug demand reduction activities, we considered the management controls of the BOP, COPS Office, DEA, and OJP for the purpose of determining our auditing procedures. An evaluation of the BOP, COPS Office, DEA, and OJP was not made for the purpose of providing assurance on the management control structure as a whole; however, we noted certain matters that we consider reportable conditions under generally accepted government auditing standards.

The reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the management control structure of the BOP, COPS Office, DEA, and OJP that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the ability to effectively manage its drug demand reduction activities. During our audit, we found the following management control deficiencies.

  • For those programs not entirely drug demand reduction, there does not appear to be any data supporting estimated percentages used to report drug demand reduction obligations, see Finding I.
  • The current performance indicators do not adequately measure drug demand reduction program effectiveness. Further, not all data used to report the results for the performance indicators is verified for accuracy, see Finding II.
  • There does not appear to be any formalized mechanism in place for information sharing among the DOJ components to reduce any duplication of efforts, maximize resources, coordinate program activities, and exchange technical assistance, see Finding III.

Because we are not expressing an opinion on the overall management control structure of the BOP, COPS Office, DEA, and OJP, this statement is intended solely for the information and use of the BOP, COPS Office, DEA, and OJP in managing its drug demand reduction programs and activities.