Department of Justice Drug Demand Reduction Activities

Report No. 03-12
February 2003
Office of the Inspector General



  U.S. Department of Justice

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)

Compliance Division
1100 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington,, D.C. 20530
Telephone (202) 514-7016
Facsimile (202) 6165-8650
Via Facsimile and US. Mail
To: Guy K. Zimmerman
Assistant Inspector General for Audit
Office of the Inspector General
From: Shelley M. Langguth (original signed)
Acting Assistant Director for Compliance
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Date: January 10, 2003
Subject: Response to the Draft Audit Report of Department of Justice Drug Demand Reduction Activities

This memorandum is in response to your draft audit report dated December 12, 2002, for the subject audit. For ease of review, the draft audit recommendation pertaining to the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) is stated in bold and underlined, followed by the COPS Office's response to the recommendation.

Recommendation 6: Ensure that verifiab1e and measurable performance indicators are established for its COPS in Schools Program.

The COPS Office concurs with this recommendation.

P1anned Action

The COPS Office has initiated the development of verifiable and measurable outcome based performance indicators for the COPS program. These performance indicators will encompass the COPS in Schools grant program, contingent upon the request and receipt of funding for the COPS in Schools grant program in future years. We will provide the Office of the Inspector General with such outcome based performance measures once they are finalized, if applicable.


Based on the planned action, the COPS Office requests resolution of Recommendation 6.

The COPS Office would like to thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to the draft audit report. If you have any questions, please contact me at (202) 616-3291.

cc: Pam Cammarata
Acting Deputy Director for Support

Tim Quinn
Acting Deputy Director for Management/Chief of Staff

Vickie Sloan
JMD Audit Liaison Office

Ward Knowles
Management Analyst