Appendix II


Northern District of Alabama NAL $8,271
Middle District of Alabama MAL $3,092
Southern District of Alabama SAL $11,828
District of Alaska AK $47,963
District of Arizona AZ $3,391
Eastern District of Arkansas EAR $653
Western District of Arkansas WAR $4,091
Northern District of California NCA $34,404
Eastern District of California ECA $7,193
Central District of California CCA $146,097
Southern District of California SCA $30,782
District of Colorado CO $95,825
District of Connecticut CT $14,021
District of Columbia - Superior Court DC-SC $925,199
District of Columbia DC $13,563
District of Delaware DE $1,340
Northern District of Florida NFL $23,426
Middle District of Florida MFL $39,177
Southern District of Florida SFL $158,698
Northern District of Georgia NGA $5,580
Middle District of Georgia MGA $161
Southern District of Georgia SGA $2,477
District of Guam GUAM $43,043
District of Hawaii HI $19,245
District of Idaho ID $23,725
Northern District of Illinois NIL $13,178
Central District of Illinois CIL $24,609
Southern District of Illinois SIL $7,160
Northern District of Indiana NIN $24,390
Southern District of Indiana SIN $6,146
Northern District of Iowa NIA $1,248
Southern District of Iowa SIA $2,336
District of Kansas KS $3,873
Eastern District of Kentucky EKY $2,848
Western District of Kentucky WKY $4,207
Eastern District of Louisiana DLA $113,508
Middle District of Louisiana MLA $5,480
Western District of Louisiana WLA $106,921
District of Maine ME $3,124
District of Maryland MD $14,199
Eastern District of Michigan EMI $13,531
Western District of Michigan WMI $5,183
District of Minnesota MN $5,330
Northern District of Mississippi NMS $11,578
Southern District of Mississippi SMS $2,270
District of Massachusetts MA $24,845
Eastern District of Missouri EMO $7,479
Western District of Missouri WMO $7,711
District of Montana MT $54,269
District of Nebraska NE $9,626
District of Nevada NV $6,196
District of New Hampshire NH $1,665
District of New Jersey NJ $128,092
District of New Mexico NM $4,399
Northern District of New York NNY $20,333
Eastern District of New York ENY $29,352
Southern District of New York SNY $32,778
Western District of New York WNY $4,569
Eastern District of North Carolina ENC $6,178
Middle District of North Carolina MNC $9,877
Western District of North Carolina WNC $4,700
District of North Dakota ND $4,745
District of the Northern Mariana Islands NMI **2
Northern District of Ohio NOH $61,236
Southern District of Ohio SOH $445
Northern District of Oklahoma NOK $6,844
Eastern District of Oklahoma EOK $19,099
Western District of Oklahoma WOK $1,937
District of Oregon OR $4,653
Eastern District of Pennsylvania EPA $137,558
Middle District of Pennsylvania MPA $39,951
Western District of Pennsylvania WPA $12,622
District of Puerto Rico PR $56,870
District of Rhode Island RI $24,574
District of South Carolina SC $156,861
District of South Dakota SD $2,652
Eastern District of Tennessee ETN $4,981
Middle District of Tennessee MTN $7,853
Western District of Tennessee WTN $2,516
Northern District of Texas NTX $31,354
Eastern District of Texas ETX $4,577
Southern District of Texas STX $59,301
Western District of Texas WTX $4,727
District of Utah UT $1,189
District of Vermont VT $138
Eastern District of Virginia EVA $33,134
Western District of Virginia WVA $818
District of Virgin Islands VI $35,511
Eastern District of Washington EWA $1,650
Western District of Washington WWA $329,785
Northern District of West Virginia NWV $3,455
Southern District of West Virginia SWV $1,487
Eastern District of Wisconsin EWI $6,594
Western District of Wisconsin WWI $5,394
District of Wyoming WY $561
**1 The source of this data is a September 1994, USMS Reimbursement Agreement/Earnings Status (REM001) report
**2 = Collections for the District of the Northern Mariana Islands are included in the collections for the District of Guam
