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The Immigration and Naturalization Service's
Automated I-94 System

Report Number 01-18
August 6, 2001


Statement on Compliance With Laws and Regulations

We have audited the INS's management of the Automated I-94 System. In connection with the audit, and as required by the standards, we reviewed program activities and records to obtain reasonable assurance about the INS's compliance with laws and regulations that, if not complied with, we believe could have a material effect on program operations. Compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the INS's management of automation programs is the responsibility of the INS management.

Our audit included examining, on a test basis, evidence about laws and regulations. The specific laws and regulations against which we conducted our test are contained in the relevant portions of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996; OMB Circular A-130; the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996; and the Immigration and Naturalization Service Data Management Improvement Act of 2000.

Except for those issues cited in the Findings and Recommendations section of the report, our tests indicated that, for those items reviewed, the INS was in compliance with the laws and regulations referred to above. With respect to those transactions not tested, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that INS management was not in compliance with the laws and regulations cited above.