The Internal Effects of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Reprioritization

Audit Report 04-39
September 2004
Office of the Inspector General

Redacted and Unclassified
Appendix II

Descriptions of FBI Programs

National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP) - the FBI's foreign counterterrorism and counterintelligence work is concentrated within this program. Sub-programs found in NFIP include Foreign Counterintelligence, FBI Security, and International Terrorism.

National Infrastructure/Computer Intrusion Program (NIPCIP) - work performed in this program involves protection of computer networks and critical infrastructures. Work in this program includes Computer Intrusion Criminal Matters and Protection of Transportation Facilities. In FY 2002 the National Infrastructure Protection Center was moved to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). What remained after this transfer was the Computer Intrusion Program, which was moved into the Cyber Division.

Domestic Terrorism Program (DT) - the FBI's resources directed towards "home-grown" terrorists are captured in this program. Sub-programs include Counterterrorism Preparedness and Weapons of Mass Destruction.

White-Collar Crime Program (WCC) - FBI investigations related to most economic-based crimes, including money laundering, government fraud, public corruption, and antitrust matters are captured by this program.

Organized Crime/Drug Program (OC/D) - FBI investigations that identify, dismantle, or disrupt major international and national organized criminal enterprises fall within this program. Cases in this program target large organized crime and drug organizations, as well as OCDETF activities.

Violent Crime/Major Offenders Program (VCMO) - Cases that target the most significant violent crime, including crimes against children, fugitives, and transportation crimes, are categorized under this program.

Civil Rights Program (CR) - Examples of crimes investigated within this program are hate crimes, color of law violations, and involuntary servitude/slavery issues.

Cyber Crime Program (CCP) - Created in FY 2002, cyber crime involves investigating and preventing cyber attacks by foreign adversaries and terrorists, and the investigation of all computer-based crime, such as Internet-based child pornography, sexual predators, and Internet fraud. The sub-programs that make up the CCP came, in part, from both the White Collar Crime and Violent Crime/Major Offenders programs.

Criminal Enterprise Investigations (CEI) - The sub-programs that make up CEI originated in the Violent Crimes and Major Offenders Program and involve investigations related to OCDETF gang investigations, major theft, and violent gangs.

Applicant Program (APP) - FBI administrative work involving the selection and processing of new agent and support personnel, as well as background investigations for new and current hires, federal judges, and white house staff is categorized under this program.

Training (TRAIN) - Training involving FBI employees, as well as state and local personnel, falls within this program.

Miscellaneous Matters (MISC) - FBI administrative matters are mostly captured by this program, including Freedom of Information Act requests, accidents involving FBI vehicles, and public relations matters.

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