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The Combined DNA Index System

Report No. 01-26
September 17, 2001
Office of the Inspector General



We reviewed the FBI's and OJP's responses to our draft report and made revisions to the final audit report where we considered it appropriate. The status of individual recommendations is as follows.

Recommendation No.

  1. Resolved. The FBI stated in documentation provided as part of its response that it is working to develop a plan to routinely verify the accuracy, completeness, and allowability of the DNA profiles uploaded to the national index system. This recommendation can be closed when we receive documentation that demonstrates the plan has been fully developed and implemented.

  2. Resolved. The FBI provided a copy of a draft policy that requires forensic laboratories participating in the national index system to advise DNA analysts of the requirements concerning allowable DNA profiles on an annual basis. This recommendation can be closed when we receive documentation confirming that a final version of this policy has been developed and implemented.

  3. Resolved. The FBI stated in documentation provided as part of its response that it has initiated a pilot program to monitor laboratory audits. The FBI reviews audit documents to verify that the appropriate standards were used and, when applicable, that the laboratory has taken appropriate corrective actions for audit findings. This recommendation can be closed when we receive documentation describing the FBI's audit review process and confirming that the program has been put into operation on a permanent basis.

  4. In our draft audit report, we questioned grant funds awarded to the Northern Illinois Police Crime Laboratory based upon the Director's statement that the laboratory was a private entity, not a police agency, and that it sometimes performed work for private sector entities for fees. We also included a recommendation number 4 that related to this question. However, in further communications with OJP (see page 60), and after consultation with the OIG General Counsel, we have decided not to question the grant funds and have removed the recommendation number 4 that was in our draft report.

  5. Closed. The NIJ provided documentation demonstrating that the University of Central Florida contributed adequate matching funds for the project funded by its LIP grants.