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The Drug Enforcement Administration's Implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act

Report No. 03-35
September 2003
Office of the Inspector General

Appendix 10
The Drug Enforcement Administration's
Response to the Draft Audit Report

    U. S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration  
  SEP 23 2003  
  TO: Glenn A. Fine Inspector
Inspector General
  FROM: Karen P Tandy (original signed)
  SUBJECT: Comments on the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Final Draft Audit "The Drug Enforcement Administration's Implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act"  

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has reviewed the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) draft audit report titled The DEA's Implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and provides this response to your July 29, 2003 request for comments. The OIG report reflects the history of DEA's efforts to implement the GPRA and the significant progress that the DEA has made in the past five years. As the OIG noted, the DEA has:

  1. developed management plans to help measure program effectiveness and provided organizational accountability for priority performance targets;
  2. established performance targets for disrupting and dismantling international and domestic drug trafficking organizations; and
  3. developed a system to capture, verify, arid validate data on all priority targets.

The OIG conducted its audit from October 2000 through May 2003 and the report discusses actions that the DEA needs to complete to be fully compliant with the GPRA. The audit contained seven recommendations for action by the DEA. As discussed in the exit conference, the DEA had initiated actions that address six of the OIG's recommendations prior to the issuance of this draft. The DEA concurs with all of the OIG's recommendations and is nearing completion on many of the OIG' s recommended actions. The Action Plan (attached) provides a current status of completed actions and projected completion dates for implementation of each recommendation.

One of the findings in the report (recommendation one) determined that DEA's strategic goals and objectives were not quantitative, directly measurable, or assessment-based to allow for the future assessment of achievement. This finding was based on DEA's FY 2001-2006 Strategic Plan. DEA's new draft FY 2003-2008 Strategic Plan includes a general long-term goal and four strategic goals with two and five-year quantitative objectives. The new goals and objectives will meet the requirements of GPRA and OMB Circular A-11. On July 17, 2003, the Department of Justice (DOJ)



  Glenn Fine, Inspector General Page 2  
  provided comments to DEA on its draft Strategic Plan. The DEA Strategic Planning Unit integrated DOJ's comments into the Strategic Plan. The target date for approval of this plan is October 2003.

Recommendations two through six, which are also nearing completion, include the development of standard criteria for defining Priority Target Organizations (PTOs) as well as the inclusion of the Office of International Operations' international PTOs into PTARRS. The draft report indicates that DEA has not established a timeline for inclusion of these international targets; this is inconect. The DEA will modify PTARRS to include all international PTOs by the end of the first quarter of FY 2004. Recommendation seven will require the collection of trend data after the implementation of the first six recommendations. Beginning with the third quarter of FY 2003, the DEA will conduct reviews of actual performance data and compare it to established annual targets. The DEA will continue to conduct these reviews on a quarterly basis and use the information to monitor and improve its performance measures.

The DEA appreciates the opportunity to provide comment to the OIG in these matters. The DEA is committed to the GPRA and will provide status reports to your office until all reported actions are completed.


cc: Vickie Sloan, Director
     Audit Liaison Office



Action Plan
DEA GPRA Implementation
Recommendations Actions Taken Actions Planned Projected
Recommendation 1

Establish a strategic goal and objectives that are quantitative, directly measurable, or assessment-based to allow for a future assessment of whether the goal and objectives are being achieved. The strategic goal and objectives should contain measurable aspects such as a percentage of organizations to be disrupted or dismantled and milestones for accomplishing the goal and objectives,
Concur. DEA's new draft FY 2003-2008 Strategic Plan meets the requirements of this recommendation; the plan includes a general long-term goal and four strategic goals with two and five-year quantitative, time-specific objectives. The new goals and objectives meet the requirements of GPRA and 0MB Circular A-11.

On July 17. 2003, the Department of Justice (DOJ) provided comments to DEA on its draft Strategic Plan. The draft Strategic Plan has been revised based on DOJ's revisions and is currently undergoing review.
Provide the revised draft Strategic Plan to the OIG upon final approval. 10/03 ADS
Recommendation 2

Ensure that performance results are Included in the budget requests for all performance indicators.
Concur. Currently, DEA's FY 2004 Budget Request to Congress displays performance information by the following four strategic focus areas, which are defined in DEA's draft FY 2003- FY 2008 Strategic Plan: International Enforcement, Domestic Enforcement, State and Local Assistance, and Diversion Control. DEA has specific performance indicators for each of the four strategic focus areas with related performance results. At this time, performance results are not available for DEA's general long-term goal of contributing to DOJ's goal to reduce the availability of drugs in America. Complete the development of an impact assessment methodology in order to demonstrate results on reduction of drug availability. 12/03 FC
Recommendation 3

Establish specific criteria for determining what constitutes a priority target organization.
Concur. DEA has prepared definitions and specific criteria for what constitutes a PTO. These criteria and definitions are under review and will be included in a new Priority Target Handbook. Complete the Priority Target Handbook and provide to the OIG upon final approval. 11/03 FC
Recommendation 4

Establish specific criteria to define what constitutes a disrupted and dismantled priority target organization.
Concur. DEA has prepared definitions and specific criteria for what constitutes dIsruption/dismantlement. These criteria and definitions are being compiled in the new Priority Target Handbook. Complete the Priority Target Handbook and provide to the OIG upon final approval. 11/03 FC
Recommendation 5

Establish systems to collect, analyze, and report performance data related to the performance indicators for:

(a) suppliers disrupted and dismantled [for Office of Diversion Control];

(b) contribution to reduction in drug use and availability; and

(c) international priority target organizations disrupted and dismantled.

(a) The Office of Diversion Control has defined "disruption' and dismantlement" as it pertains to traffickers of licit drugs and registrant violators and established a methodology to collect, analyze, and report performance data. Raw data used to calculate the number of disruptions are extracted from two separate DEA data systems, the Quarterly Reporting Data Base (QRDB) and Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Data Base, and compiled in an Excel spreadsheet for reporting purposes. Raw data used to calculate the number of dismantlements are extracted and reported directly from the CSA Data Base.

(b) Proposals concerning the assessment of DEA's impact on drug availability are under consideration,

(c) The decision has been made to incorporate all International priority target organizations into PTARRS. The PTARRS contract has been modified to reflect this additional build.

(a) The Office of Diversion Control is currently evaluating the consolidation of several data systems info one relational interface (CTRANS) which will capture all disruption/dismantlement information.

(b) Complete the development of an impact assessment methodology in order to demonstrate results on reduction of drug availability.

(c) Modify the PTARRS system to include all international priority target organizations. The DEA will provide additional information to the OIG to demonstrate the modifications to its systems in its next status report.
(a) 12/04

(b) 12/04

(c) 12/03
Recommendation 6

Establish procedures and controls to verify the performance data reported for the performance indicators for:

(a) suppliers disrupted and dismantled [for Office of Diversion Control];

(b) contribution to reduction in drug use and availability, and

(c) international priority target organizations disrupted and dismantled.

(a) OD uses established procedures and controls to verify the performance data reported for disruptions and dismantlements. OD reviews discrepancies, resolves questions from the field, and evaluates inconsistencies prior to data entry into QRDB and CSA. Also, after cases are adjudicated, OD verifies and records the disposition data (civil fines, administrative hearing, arrests, convictions, etc.), and assigns the appropriate administrative (violation) codes to each registration.

(b) Proposals concerning the assessment of DEA's impact on drug availability are under consideration.

(c) The decision has been made to incorporate all international priority target organizations into PTARRS. The PTARRS contact has been modified to reflect this additional build.

(a) Include existing data verification procedures in any effort to consolidate existing DEA data systems.

(b) Include data verification procedures in the resulting impact assessment system.

(c) Modify the PTARRS system to include all international priority target organizations. The OIG noted that PTARRS provides an effective capability to track the progress made and resources applied against PTOs.
(a) 12/03

(b) 12/04

(c) 12/03
Recommendation 7

Establish goats consistent with a trend analysis of actual performance results.
Concur. Beginning in the third quarter of FY 2003, DEA implemented a quarterly review process for performance data. This entails comparing actual performance data to established annual targets. Establish methodology to estimate projected performance based on actual data for each performance indicator identified in DEA's four strategic focus areas. 12/04 FC


DEA Abbreviation Key
ADS Executive Policy & Strategic Planning Staff
FC Financial Management Division
PTARRS Priorty Target Activity and Resource Reporting System
QDRB Quarterly Reporting Data Base
CSA Controlled Substances Act Data Base