The Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Monitoring of Mail for High-Risk Inmates

Evaluation and Inspections Report I-2006-009
September 2006
Office of the Inspector General

Appendix I
BOP Program Statement 5265.11,
Policy for Rejecting Inmate Correspondence

The Warden may reject correspondence sent by or to an inmate if it is determined detrimental to the security, good order, or discipline of the institution, to the protection of the public, or if it might facilitate criminal activity. Correspondence which may be rejected by a Warden includes, but is not limited to, correspondence containing:

  • Matter which is nonmailable under law or postal regulations;

  • Matter which depicts, describes, or encourages activities which may lead to the use of physical violence or group disruption;

  • Information of escape plots, of plans to commit illegal activities, or to violate Bureau rules or institution guidelines;

  • Direction of an inmate’s business. An inmate, unless a pretrial detainee, may not direct a business while confined;

  • Threats;

  • A code;

  • Sexually explicit material (for example, personal photographs) which by its nature or content poses a threat to an individual’s personal safety or security, or to institution good order; or

  • Contraband (A package without prior authorization by the Warden is considered to be contraband).

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