The Federal Bureau of Prison's Efforts to Manage Inmate Health Care

Audit Report 08-08
February 2008
Office of the Inspector General

Appendix IV
Sample Methodology

The population was defined as the Federal Prison inmates in multiple federal facilities at five different locations. The defined population contained 14,026 inmates (sampling units) in multiple BOP facilities located in the following five BOP locations.

Considering that the inmate health care administration could vary from location to location, we employed a stratified random sampling design to provide effective coverage and to obtain precise estimates of the statistic. In addition, the characteristics of the population that affect the test questions are the inmate age, gender, and facility type. Incorporating these additional variables into the sampling plan, a multi-stage stratified sample design was employed. The primary strata was BOP facility locations. The secondary strata was facility type. The last strata was age groups. The sample allocation considered to different strata was proportional to the population sizes. The details of sample sizes, sample allocation to different locations, and the test result statistics are presented in the body of the report.

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