The Federal Bureau of Prison's Efforts to Manage Inmate Health Care

Audit Report 08-08
February 2008
Office of the Inspector General

Appendix III
Medical Services Selected for Testing from the BOP’s
Preventive Health Care Clinical Practice Guideline
Medical Service Applicability
  1. The Inmate History, Part 1 of Form 360, was completed by the inmate during intake screening.
All inmates.
  1. The Medical Assessment, Part 2 of Form 360 was completed by the medical practitioner during intake screening.
All inmates.
  1. New inmates were tested for tuberculosis (TB), or transferred inmates were confirmed for TB testing within 48 hours of entering the institution.
All inmates.
  1. Inmates were given a rapid plasma reagin test during intake screening to test for syphilis.
All female inmates and male inmates with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates were given a test for chlamydia during intake screening.
All females inmates under age 25 with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates were given a Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine during intake screening.
All female inmates of child-bearing-age if not received as an adult.
  1. Inmates were given a complete physical examination within 14 days of arriving at the institution to include: (1) medical and mental assessments, (2) dental assessment, and (3) appropriate laboratory and diagnostic tests. Also, the completion of the physical examination was signed off on the Standard Form 88 by the institution Clinical Director.
All inmates.
  1. Inmates had received or refused a current pneumococcal immunization.
All inmates age 65 or over and inmates under age 65 with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates had received or refused an annual influenza immunization.
All inmates over age 50.
  1. Inmates had received or refused a current Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination.
All inmates born after 1956.
  1. Inmates had received or refused a current tetanus vaccination.
All inmates every 10 years.
  1. Inmates had received or refused a current Hepatitis A vaccine.
All inmates with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates had received or refused a current Hepatitis B test.
All inmates with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates had received or refused a current Hepatitis C test.
All inmates with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates had received or refused an HIV-1 test.
All inmates with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates had received or refused an HIV-2 test.
All inmates with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates tested for TB annually (past positive determination or X-ray if confirmed past positive).
All inmates.
  1. Inmates with chronic care conditions were evaluated every 6 months.
All inmates with chronic care conditions.
  1. Inmates had their cholesterol and high-density lipoproteins checked once every 5 years.
All male inmates age 35 and over, all female inmates age 45 and over, and all other inmates age 20 and over with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates had received a calculation of their risk for cardiovascular disease every 5 years.
All diabetic inmates age 40 and over, all male inmates age 40 and over, and all female inmates age 45 and over.
  1. Inmates had received a fasting plasma glucose test for diabetes every 3 years.
All inmates age 45 and over with identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates had been checked for hypertension by having their blood pressure checked either annually or every 3 years, as applicable.
Annually - All inmates age 50 or over.

Every 3 Years – All inmates under age 50.
  1. Inmates had been checked for obesity by receiving a calculation of their body mass index either annually or every 3 years, as applicable.
Annually - All inmates age 50 or over.

Every 3 Years – All inmates under age 50.
  1. Inmates had received a fecal occult blood test to check for colorectal cancer as recommended.
All inmates age 50 and over.
  1. Inmates had received a vision screening as recommended.
All inmates age 65 and over.
  1. Inmates had received a hearing screening as recommended.
All inmates age 65 and over and all other inmates in an occupational risk assignment.
  1. Inmates had received an abdominal ultrasound test to check for an abdominal aneurysm.
All male inmates with a history of smoking and age 65 or over.
  1. Inmates had received a papanicolaou test (Pap smear) to test for cervical cancer either annually or every 3 years, as applicable.
Annually - All female inmates under age 31.

Every 3 Years – All female inmates age 31 to 65.
  1. Inmates received a mammogram to check for breast cancer either annually or every 2 years, as applicable.
Annually – Offered to all female inmates and given to all female inmates age 40 and over with identified risk factors.

Every 2 Years – All female inmates age 40 and over without identified risk factors.
  1. Inmates received bone density screening to check for osteoporosis as recommended.
All female inmates age 60 to 64 with identified risk factors and all female inmates age 65 and over.
Source: BOP Preventive Health Care Clinical Practice Guideline

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