U.S. Department of Justice


Audit Report



Accelerated Hiring, Education and Deployment Grant for the Township of Middletown, New Jersey, Police Department

Grant Number 95CCWX0039

Audit Report Number GR-70-98-002


We have audited the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Accelerated Hiring, Education and Deployment (AHEAD)grant awarded to the Middletown Township, New Jersey, Police Department. This grant, Grant Number 95CCWX0039, was for two full-time officers for the period from April 1, 1995 through March 31, 1998. In response to concerns that Middletown was not conforming with the grant’s terms and conditions, COPS asked that we conduct an audit.

Audit Results

Middletown did not conform with grant conditions in that the township:

Consequently, we question the $17,500 Middletown has received as reimbursement and recommend that the remaining $132,500 be put to a better use.
